Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday 3-27-15

Today we are continuing our study of ethnicity.

Link to Chapter 7 Quizlet set.

We will also be continuing with our PING project in the media center.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday 3-19-15

Movie day!  Today we are going to begin a movie about a pilgrimage in Spain.  It called The Way and it is about a trek on the Camino de Santiago.

As we watch, I'd like you to consider the following questions and answer them in the comment section:

At the beginning, Daniel told his dad, "you don't choose a live one."  What are the lessons that Tom learned from Daniel about the world and about life in general as he walked the Camino?

How did walking the Camino change Tom?

What did the other "pellegrinos" think about Tom in the early part of the journey?  And then later on?

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday 3-16-15

Today we will continue our study of culture by getting into religions which are in Chapter 6 of your book.

Learning Goals

Religions of the World

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday 3-12-15

Today we will be continuing our study of language.

Link to New York Times Dialect Map Activity

What three cities does your dialect best represent?

In what ways does your dialect of American or British English differ from those of your classmates? From other English speakers that you have encountered? Provide several specific examples of vocabulary, accents, or other differences, and attempt to account for these differences in spatial terms (naming regions of origin). What geographic factors explain the similarities and differences in these dialects?

In what ways does your dialect of American or British English differ from television or radio spokespeople that you typically hear? What geographic or cultural factors might you consider to explain the similarities and differences in these dialects? Give specific examples.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday 3-9-15

We are finishing up Chapter 4.  Below is a link to some study reinforcement.

Link to Study Stack

Tomorrow we will move on to Chapter 5 which is language.

Also tomorrow I will collect part 3 of the PING project.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday 3-4-15

Today you will finish the movie. At the conclusion of the movie I would like for you to write a reaction to the film on this blog in the comment section.
Afterwards in the time you have left you can continue filling in the information on the chapter 4 worksheets. 
I look forward to being back tomorrow. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday 3-2-15

Today we will continue our study of culture with emphasis on the difference between folk culture and pop culture.

Link to Small World

Link to What kind of English do you speak?

Link to Where is Matt Video 2008

Link to Where is Matt Lecture